
Nutre tu cabeza

March 29, 2013

It's time

March 20, 2013

cup of tea, sir?


Serve Chilled

tea time

Afternoon Tea

Chinese Tea.

the tenderness of things

Tea Time



(click on the photos to see the original source on flickr)

Α teapot, some drops of brandy, soft tunes, some stories ... let's spend the night togenther.

Accessorize & Monsoon SS13

March 13, 2013

Yesterday I was lucky enough to be invited, along with the other bloggers, by the girls of Accessorize, on a bloggers meeting at the revamped store in Thessaloniki, for the presentation of the SS13 collection. Not much to say, (the colors, the patters, the textures actually speak for themselves) except that, the girls, Ioanna Tsigarida (also known as Joanaddicted and who I was pleased to meet in person after almost 3 years of blogging) and Dimitra Grammatikaki were super kind, friendy and their smiles made us feel more than comfortable. Thank you girls, you rulezzz! Enjoy the photos!


March 11, 2013


empty nest


Wrinkled Covers

good morning



sun in my bed

stuck on the heating pad


candystripes, unmade

My tea, his coffee.
(click on the photos to see the original source on flickr)

Sing me to sleep, I'm tired and I want to go to bed.
Sing me to sleep, and them leave me alove.
Don't try to wake me in the morning, cause I will be gone.