
Introducing Lorelai's Themes

August 26, 2013

Hello lovelies! I've been working on a new project lately, and now it's the time to introduce you to "Lorelai's Themes". A page I made with premade layouts for Blogger template, available for purchase. Right now there are 5 beautiful and minimal designed themes for you to choose (more will come soon):

You can find out more about each theme and read about the details on Lorelai's Themes. All themes were designed to be simple and clean, however keep in mind, that you can always customize your blogger layout! This means that you can change the fonts or the colors and you can add a custom header, sidebar buttons, signature, social buttons, favicons, banners etc. regarding to your needs. So feel free to take a look at Lorelai's Themes and don't hesitate to contact me at for any questions you may have. Your e-mails are always welcome and highly appreciated!


August 7, 2013

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 

Carrot Cake

August 6, 2013

Thanx to Annie from Anne's Cake Party  this delicious carrot cake is in my fridge! HERE is the original recipe. (Personally I didn't follow the exact ratios, I always use less sugar. And for the decoration I used caramelized walnuts I prepared myself.) If you are in the mood...start baking!


August 1, 2013

Click for the links:       1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9