

January 29, 2012

Photo Credits: Veronika - Blame it on the Boogie! Thank U  girl!

Follow Lorelais Things


January 18, 2012

Happy BLOGbirthday !
It's has been one more year since the first post and I must say it was an amazing one! Not much to say only a Huge Thanx to all my people(you know who you are) for supporting me and of course its needless to say how lucky I feel for meeting you all! You ROCK! I'm grateful for all the creative moments I had this year for all the interesting people I met...designers, bloggers, fashionistas, photographers...for everything new I tried and for all the inspiration I got! I always say ...the best is yet to Calm and BLOG ON! Thank U all!

Follow Lorelais Things

Old School Geek

January 14, 2012

Follow Lorelais Things


January 12, 2012

Follow Lorelais Things